Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I've been working on a few projects, and actually got some finished. This is the hat that I posted about a while back. I actually finished it around Thanksgiving, but it took me a while to get around to photographing it.

Now I'm working on a scarf to match it. I'm playing around with the idea of doing a modified Clapotis scarf, though I might decide to scrap it for something else. It doesn't look like much yet.

I finished spinning and plied a skein of yarn on Saturday night as a gift for a friend I was visiting on Sunday. It's merino, tencel, and silk, navajo plied, approximately worsted weight, 104 yards.

And a dice bag I did for a secret Santa a week ago:

And finally, and most impressively, my first pair of adult-sized socks. (Or 2 shots of the first sock, since the second looks the same and I didn't bother taking a picture of it before i gave them away.)

They were for a friend whose birthday is on Christmas, so they were wrapped separately, and the Christmas one was filled with candy.

And now I'm making myself a pair with this yarn, which I bought a year ago:

I'm in love with sock-making. I want to make myself enough socks that I could wear hand-knit only.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yesterday I did something I've never done in my life before.

I returned a skein of yarn.

A couple of weeks ago I bought 3 skeins of Rowan felted tweed yarn in order to make a pair of wristwarmers. I figured 2 would probably be enough but I should buy a third just in case. The yarn store that I bought the yarn from has a policy that you can return yarn with a receipt within 60 days of purchase.

I used 2 skeins together to make a thicker yarn. I knitted one wrist warmer. Then I knit a second. And there was a lot of leftover yarn on those two skeins. Certainly I did not need the third.

Finished wrist warmers:

And yet, it's not like there was anything wrong with the skein. Normally it would have entered my stash. (Or I would have given it to a friend.) I'm sure I could find a project for it, eventually, just like I can find projects for all the unused yarns in my stash. But as of now I already have more projects than I can complete by the end of the year, and with the things I need to make, it will be a while before I start anything else. Also, I've been sick for the past 2 weeks and haven't been working, and I'm taking the next 2 weeks off as well so I can recover, and thus I don't have that disposable income. (Right now my job is my justification for expensive yarn purchases.) And I'm going into the real world next year, where I'll have to be financially independent and stuff, and thus should start saving money. Not that I buy yarn that often. But still, it's the principle.

So I went to the store and I returned the third, unused skein of Rowan felted tweed. I had paid $10 for it. Those $10 ended up going towards an $18 skein of sock yarn that I'm using to make a pair of socks for a friend for the holidays. (Not that I'll actually finish them in time. I still need to get his shoe size so I can get started...)

Though conversely, I could have used the same logic I used for making myself return the yarn for buying more yarn instead. At least in that I'm sick and haven't been working. Being sick gives me the right to buy myself expensive yarn. The yarn is a reward for being sick. Or compensation. Or something.

But really, I'm not sure what I would have used the yarn for. I also still have the leftover yarn from the 2 skeins I did use. They might be used in a pair of mittens I need to make (which I think will combine a few yarns). But that third skein was/is unnecessary. I think I made the right decision.

Here's the leftover yarn from the 2 skeins:

Finally, a detailed shot of the cabling, just for fun:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Productive again

I've actually been getting lots of knitting done now that the semester has started. 2 weeks ago I finished the alpaca scarf from the previous post, and now I'm working on some smaller projects.

This is a baby hat I made for charity:

Here's a side view:

The pattern came from here:Presto Baby Hat

And I'm also working on an Irish Hiking Hat for my friend who is in England:

I'm also working on a new scarf for myself, which will be like the alpaca scarf of awesome, except with green, and not as long as the other scarf (which is about 7 feet long!!!!) My old scarf seems thin and flimsy, so this new one will be thick and will keep me warm. Hopefully I'll finish it before it gets too ridiculously cold out.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Appreciating my crafting

When I first started knitting 5 years ago, when people complimented my projects, I usually would respond saying that it's really not that hard and I wasn't doing anything special and anyone could do it if they tried.

Even when I started making more complex things, I still maintained that my knitting was nothing to write home about. My stitches were even, but aren't everyone's stitches even? (Apparently not.) I'm knitting on 4 needles? Really, it's not that hard. "Ooh, that's such pretty yarn!" I have good taste in yarn. But really, how much creativity do you need?

(The exception to all of this is compliments from the people I made things for. Of course I'm going to be happy that they liked whatever I made them, and I'm glad they appreciate)

I think I got better about accepting knitting compliments when I started spinning, since spinning is less common than knitting (though in my opinion it's not harder.) And I think at this point I'm okay with people admiring my knitting. The Celtic cable scarf I'm currently working on is the nicest thing I've ever made. And it's relatively complex.

It's about halfway done. Here's a more recent photo:

I'm really proud of it. And the person who it's for has seen me working on it, and really likes it. And he's impressed by my spinning, even though it's far from even.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Spun alpaca

Remember thatmass of alpaca I got? I spent the past few weeks spinning it up, though a lot of this was done on Wednesday night, since I was desperately trying to finish it before I went away for the weekend (and would meet the person who owns the alpaca farm and would have something to show him besides just a bobbin of yarn).

I ended up with two skeins and a bit extra, though I have no clue what the yardage is...

Also, this is the other yarn, from the same alpaca, but spun by a professional:

So here's the scarf as of last evening. The bottom part is the yarn I bought, the top is the yarn I spun. I'll probably take more pictures when it gets bigger, but I wanted to post it now.

And the pattern is the Celtic Cable Neckwarmer from here. (I slightly modified it to make it wider and added a cable on each side). I was a bit intimidated at first, but it's actually a really easy chart to follow. At this point I don't even need to look at the chart that often, though it's quicker if I have it on hand to look at it rather than to figure out what cables I'm doing in a given row. But maybe eventually I'll ahev the whole thing memorized.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Drop Spindle of Awesome

This is the end result of my drop spindle project. It might have taken forever, but I really enjoyed it, and the plying went really quickly. So now I have shiny yarn, which I will be mailing out tomorrow. Huzzah!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

More pictures

This is the shiny yarn that was on sale tht I bought in Philly for $3 a skein.

And these are the koigu mill ends:

And this is a spinning project I've been doing on my drop spindle. I'm going to ply it together on my wheel. It's merino wool:


So a friend of mine for whom I'm making a scarf has a friend with an alpaca farm. My friend thought it would be cool if his scarf were made out of yarn from his friend's alpacas, consider he's hung out with these alpacas before.

The fleece from the first cut had already been spun, but he had stuff from the second cut, which is of lower quality, which he was willing to sell to me for a really good price assuming I could spin with it, otherwise I was to just keep it.

It came on Thursday. I tried spinning it, and it worked. Here's a shot of it in the bag:

And here it is on the table, where you can get a better idea of scale:

I love my giant mass of alpaca.

By the way, this is the roving I bought in June that I can't knit with :)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

On Knitting and the Sabbath

Sandy commented on my last post asking about knitting on the Sabbath and why I can't do it. I decided there was no good reason not to make this its own post, especially considering I've had little to post about as of late (since I've been doing a bad job of keeping up with my knitting projects.)

Since I'm a Divinity School student, there will be citations with links to the texts.

So in the Torah it says
7 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 8 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; 9 but the seventh day is a sabbath unto the LORD thy God, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; 10 for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exodus 20:7-10).

There's also the other set of 10 commandments in Deuteronomy, which has the similar
11 Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD thy God commanded thee. 12 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; 13 but the seventh day is a sabbath unto the LORD thy God, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou. 14 And thou shalt remember that thou was a servant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God brought thee out thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.(Deut. 5:11-14)

So this is a bit ambiguous in that "any manner of work" is left undefined. Luckily, the Rabbis, writing several centuries later, define "work" as creative work, since God created the universe in 6 days and rested on the 7th, therefore in remembrance of that we should stop creating. There's a specific set of things that are prohibited, 39 of them, to be exact. Here is a list of them, with some explanation. Note how knitting is there.

Some things are debateable, such as electricity (which later rabbis prohibited the use of on Shabbat), or carrying an umbrella,1 but knitting is really creative work. One might argue that knitting is relaxing and Shabbat is supposed to be a day of rest, and I would agree with that, except that I'm creating something when I knit and I'm not supposed to be creating anything.

And that is why Sabbath-observant Jews do not knit on the Sabbath.

Though I did find out that in Israel they held International Knit In Public Day on Sunday the 15th of June, though that wouldn't have helped me since I was not in Israel, and even if I did knit in public that day I was alone in my knittingness.

1This one is a little abstract- once upon a time you used to have to put together umbrellas, much like the ones that now are on patio tables. So the assembling of it was categorized under "erecting a shelter" and carrying umbrellas was prohibited, even though you could have made it before Shabbat, since people might see it and think it was okay to put together an umbrella on Shabbat. Then they invented modern umbrellas, which don't need to be assembled. But the rabbis thought that people still might look at it and dthink you could assemble an umbrella on Shabbat. And some said that opening it was also a problem. Even if you walked around with an umbrella which had a sign on it which said "this umbrella was opened before Shabbat" the rabbis still prohibit using an umbrella. At this point I think it's just a matter of tradition and not wanting to change it, but it is a very silly law to still be following.

Monday, June 16, 2008

You can't knit with that!

During my trip to Philadelphia, me and my friend GM went to no less than 4 yarn stores. We both spent a lot of money on Yarn. There was one called A Garden of Yarn which advertised on the door that it was a "crochet-friendly yarn store." That amused me. There I got a bunch of wool/mohair blend skeins that were really colorful and pretty and were on sale for $3 each. There was also this bundle of white roving. It simply said "Roving for dyeing" and was $9.90. I petted it, and it was soft, and I wasn't sure what kind of fiber it was, so I asked the store-clerk. She was a cute little old lady and she had another cute little old lady friend. I'm not sure which of them said what, so I'll assign dialogue as I see fit, and we'll pretend it's accurate.

Me: What kind of wool is this?
OL1: You can't knit with that.
Me: I know. I spin. I have a wheel at home. But I was wondering what kind of fiber it is.
OL2: Let me look it up.
OL2 looks in her book...I think it's called "roving."

I gave up after that and decided that it was soft and might be alpaca, and it was a good deal even if I don't dye, and I would buy it. So I did.

There were also many Koigu mill ends at Rosie's Yarn Cellar for $0.24/gram. I initially thought this was a better deal than normal koigu, but it's actually the same price as a typical $12 50 gram skein. But the advantage is you can get different colors in small quantities. I bought some for a dice bag and for a pair of socks.

There was also Loop, which gives out really nice reusable shopping bags. I got three skeins of a laceweight silk/wool blend in royal blue for a shawl.

I'd post pictures, but right now my camera flash isn't in sync with the shutter, and my pictures end up dark unless they are taken in bright light. Thus I have to wait until daytime tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get pictures then.

Also I'm sad that I didn't get to participate in the international Knit In Public Day. It was Saturday and Saturday is Shabbat and thus I don't knit. Nor was I even in public for that matter (though that was a situational thing.) Maybe I should organize Jewish knitters for a much smaller Sabbath-Observant Knit In Public Day.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Recent FOs

I finally got around to taking pictures of some of my recent finished objects today. It beats doing actual Shavuot preparation (like cleaning.)

This is my "graduation shawl" that I finished today. It's made out of recycled silk. It's all garter stitch, but the yarn works and it looks very pretty. It's a graduation shawl because I started it around graduation time last year, knit it during the ceremonies, put it away for a year and took it out around graduation time this year and also knit it during the graduation ceremonies.

This is some merino/tussah silk blend on my wheel right now. I'm finally getting good at having a consistent yarn. I think this will look very pretty when plied. As usual I have no clue what I'm going to make with it.

This is some colonial wool. I wanted it to be 1 giant skein, but my ball winder had other plans. So it's two big skeins. It's 2 ply, and I think it's dk weight, though it's not 100% even. It's for a friend of mine who just graduated. Unfortunately I finished it on Friday morning and she left Thursday evening so I'll have to mail it to her.

This is some light blue merino I was practicing drafting from the fold on. At the time I thought it was very thin, but looking at it, it's not so thin. But I have tons of the wool, so it's okay. It's the softest wool I've ever worked with, so spinning the rest will be fun when I get to it.

This is some merino fromPoppy Flower Fibers that I'm spinning on my drop spindle. So far I have 2 spindles full. When it's all spun I'll ply it on the wheel. This may take a while, though.

And that's it. I probably should get back to the laceweight shawl or to the Puppet Johns my housemate commissioned. Though now I have 49 hours of manditory non-knitting/non-spinning time. Yay for Jewish holidays which eat my life!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not knitting related, but...

I ordered another pound of dice. A friend and I were going to split it, but then we saw that they sold 2lbs of dice together, and it was a slightly better deal, so now we're each getting a pound of dice.

Pictures will be forthcoming, as soon as the dice arrive.

And yes, I am insane.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hopefully this will be my last dice bag post for a while

I eventually got unlazy enough to upload the rest of the photos, so here's the last dice bag, and a picture of all of them together.

When I presented them to my party last Sunday they seemed to like them, though the person to whom I gave the white bag was a bit confused (it's ginormous because I used hand spun yarn that was really bulky and required size 11 needles, and even though I reduced the amount of stitches in it by a lot, it still made a ginormous bag). I told him that if it seemed too big, it meant that he needed to buy more dice.

The small maroon one from my last post became my new thing to carry money, since I lost my wallet 2 weeks ago. (It sucked, but it wasn't the end of the world since most of my important cards weren't in there.) It works pretty well, though I had to put in a new drawstring because he original one broke. I guess that's what happens when you use 1ply handspun yarn, especially something really thin and one of my earliest attempts at spinning.

The shawl is not much bigger than it was before. But it's now my primary project. It requires attention, though, so it's not so ideal for class knitting. But I'm done with classes for the year! (Until the summer, that is...)

I also got to spin more golden bamboo last night, which was fun. I'm getting better at it. I still have no clue what I'm going to do with the yarn when I finish...

Also, I have the urge to buy another lb of dice. Is this a bad sign?

Friday, May 02, 2008

Why do I make so many dice bags?

Apparently I make a lot of dice bags. Perhaps this has to do with my newfound D&D obsession. Multiply that for my desire to knit things for everyone I know, and you get this:

So there are 5 people in my party including me, though not including our 6th party member who doesn't exist. So I decided to make them all dice bags. The top two and the bottom one and another one not pictured are for them. They're all finished now, but I haven't had a chance to upload the other photos. The other two were made before I made the decision to have plot relevant character colored dice bags, so the red one will probably be used as a change purse for me, while the green one will sadly sit. If our 6th party member were to come into existence again, it could be his (he is plot relevantly green, though I didn't know it at the time of making this bag). But he has only been to one session out of the 8 we've had thus far; being at the 3rd session and then missing the past 5 weeks. So he really doesn't exist. I have nothing against him, but it's hard to give a dice bag to someone who doesn't exist.

My lace shawl has also been started:

It doesn't look like much yet. This is because it isn't much yet. But now that I'm done with those dice bags, I can go back to knitting it. Yay!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I got into a very productive streak with my knitting during break, and finished many things including:

The Monge Blanket, made jointly with my friend for our professor, Dr. Monge.

This scarf (it's finished in real life, but this is when I had the opportunity to photograph it.) It's made with purple alpaca silk, and white alpaca, the latter of which I spun myself. The limiting factor was the white alpaca yarn, which took a while to spin, since I did it on the wheel and wasn't home very often.

And then I finished plying the silk.

Of course, that put me in the situation of having nothing to knit, and I was having trouble deciding on a project, but now I have a few things on my needles, so all is well.

I also picked up a lace shawl booklet on Sunday, so now I have shiny shawls to knit. It's called Wrapped in Comfort. The patterns are really pretty, and I would highly recommend it.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sin and roving

Once upon a time there was a Knitter of Shiny Things, who also spun Shiny Things. One day, she came upon a book on modesty (in Orthodox Judaism) which said it was forbidden for a woman to spin red wool in public, since red was a licentious color that attracted male attention, and if she spun red wool, the fibers might get on her clothing, causing men to notice her and think lustful thoughts. Being the heretic that she was, the Knitter of Shiny Things' immediate reaction was, "I must spin red wool in public now!" since clearly she was an immodest person who promoted licentiousness throughout the land. But alas, she lacked red wool.

One day, she and a friend went yarn shopping, and she found red wool. So she bought it. And spun a bit. No one seemed scandalized. (Nor did she seem to attract male attention, or any more than she would have gotten from spinning with any other color. People don't usually carry around drop spindles, so whatever you spin, they will notice.)

Anyways, she decided to go as sin for Purim (the Jewish Holiday where you dress up in costumes among other things). And obviously, spinning red wool in public is the biggest sin there is, so she brought along her drop spindle in addition to dressing in red and black and wearing red wings. Here's the red wool she used:

Also, (switching out of first person) here are the Manos wrist warmers I mentioned in my last post:

And I bought shiny roving which came today:

Monday, March 17, 2008

Manos, part II*

So after I finished my Manos hat on Tuesday, I started a pair of wristwarmers. Since I had 2 skeins (though one was about 2/3 used up) I decided to do as the pattern recommended and make both at once. After a small failure with doing the front cables wrong (by starting at the beginning instead of knitting 3 first) I restarted on Thursday and finished them last night (minimal weaving in still required). I'll post pictures after I take them.

And I was able to complete one wristwarmer with the leftover yarn from the first skein without having to take any yarn from the second skein. And still there was a bit left in that skein. So theoretically I could make another hat, but I'm going to use some of the yarn to redo the top of my existing Manos hat, since it's a bit tight and I think if I add a few rows to the decrease (or in general) it should be fine. Of course, with the cable pattern I'm not sure how to add rows and keep it looking nice and not screw up the pattern too much, but I'll deal with that.

Meanwhile, the list of people I need to knit shiny things for is still growing. One I found out about Saturday night and the other just now. Ack.

*If they ever make a sequel to "Manos, the Hands of Fate" I will be very, very sad. In fact, I would posit that there was no justice in the world were such a thing to happen.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Manos, Hat of Fate

In January, a friend of mine gave me 2 skeins of Manos 100% wool in turquoise. It was very squishy, but sat in my stash because I couldn't think of a project for it.

Bumming around Ravelry, I found that one of the patterns was the Yarn Harlot's Unoriginal Hat. The cables looked pretty and I had wanted to try it for some time and I had never used a chart before (the pattern also has text), so I decided to give it a knit:

Behold! Manos, hat of fate. (I always think of "Manos [the] hands of fate" whenever I see Manos yarn.) I still have a skein and a quarter left, so it will become a pair of matching wristwarmers. The Knitter of Shiny Things has matching accessories. What is the world coming to?

Also, I made a baby hat with the leftover leftover beret yarn. And now there's still leftover leftover leftover beret yarn. I should do something about that.

The baby hat was for charity, and I sent it off on Tuesday in a string of productive errands.

A story about the hat: I was working on the hat last week before and during class. While waiting for class to start one of my classmates remarks that she wants to learn how to knit, but has never been able to learn it from books and was thinking of taking a class. I told her that classes were good, but sin my experience as a summer camp knitting instructor, they can sometimes be annoying if you have too many people and need extra help and the instructor can only spend so much time with you since they have to help everyone else as well, and she might be better off with a private lesson.

Her: Do you give knitting lessons?
Me: I could...

So I am going to teach her how to knit, and get paid some monies. I've been looking around the internet and have seen classes being offered for anywhere between $12/hr- $50/hr. Most fell within the $20-$30 range. So I think I'll ask for $15, since after all, she's also a student, and a Divinity School student at that. It's reasonable, far cheaper than the class she would have signed up for, and fair to me as well. (And that's what I got paid this summer for teaching a billion kids how to knit and crochet.)

In the ideal world I would have a job teaching knitting in Cambridge this summer, but I'm more likely to get a job doing research or working in a library. At least they are both conducive to knitting.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Dice are nice

When my friend told me that he needed to get more dice, I decided that I, too, needed more dice. So I went on the internets and ordered a Chessex pound-o-dice. I don't think I realized the enormity of this.

Meanwhile, at D&D on Sunday I found out that my friend really doesn't have that many dice. The dice bag is more than big enough to hold them all.

Lo and behold, my pound-o-dice came today. And they weren't kidding when they said around 100 dice. Look at them!

Aren't they pretty? So I probably have more dice than I can use. So I took the set of 7 that came with it and put it with my original set of 7 in my dice bag, and they are happily mingling. (They're the white and blue speckled ones in the lower left. The original set is the one in the pictures of the dice bag 2 posts ago). I also made myself another set of 7 from what I had.

Then I decided that my friend needed a set of 7, except that the 7th die, the d10 that goes 0 to 00 by tens, is missing since I only got one outside the complete set. Instead, he gets 2 d20s, and also 2 d6s, one with the dots and one with the numerals.

Also, I decided that since I got 24 d20s, I could easily give one to everyone in my party, even the guy who is playing a rogue assassin who tried to kill us rather than join the party like he was supposed to. Maybe I'll curse his die or something. I might also give everyone d8s, though maybe not. I rather like having d8s, since I use them for damage with my fire spells. And I have my original one, the one in the complete set, one for my random set, and then 5. And there are 5 of them.

I might also give a d20 to everyone in the Saturday party (there are 2 campaigns since 12 of us wanted to play, so 5 besides me are in my party, and then 6 are in the Saturday party. I'm friends with 5 of them, the 6th being a random person from another school whom I've never met). I'm undecided. It would leave me with 9 d20s outside of my 3 sets, which is more than I need, but then again, maybe I do need 15 d20s for something. I could instead give them d10s. Or d6s (though that would be lame. Anyone can get a d6). The d20s are rolled more often in D&D than any other type of die. But if the DM has 2 more d20s, I doubt they'll have problems.

Here is my dice bag, by the way:

Sadly, it isn't big enough to hold all these dice. Maybe each type can have its own bag. Or I can have a large bag for all of the ones not in my 3 sets.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

More dice bags!

I decided after the last dice bag that I needed one for myself. I made it out of the leftover yarn from the failed beret of doom. I'll post pictures when I'm less lazy.

I also finished spinning the silk, and now am going to ply it, because it is way too thin currently.

Now I'm working on a bunch of small projects. I'm a bit afraid of the sock, as I worked on it in class this morning and my hand started to hurt. This probably has to do with the fact that it's on tiny needles and is really tight. But I don't want to rip everything out and work on slightly bigger needles. The sock is the size it's supposed to be. (Well except for the not being a complete sock yet...)

*Sigh* Stupid project ADD. I should just finish something already.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lots of knitting

So the Coronet from my last post is finished. I actually ended up using another pattern for the top of the hat, since I liked the decreases better. It makes little spirals on top by having the decreases be in the same spots.

And it fits. This makes me very happy, because now I have a hat that fits. It only took me half of winter to get one...

I then started a sock. Hedera. It is shiny and I have the lace pattern memorized now, so it should go quickly once I get back to working on it. I admit, I've strayed a bit, since although I love it, I also want to work on something(s) with bigger yarn.

And also I had a WIP which had been long-abandoned, even though I was more than halfway done. Another set of Irish Hiking wristwarmers. So I went and finished those:

I spun the yarn myself. The purple was kind of large so I had to switch to bigger needles to be able to work with it. The purple is Corriedale and the green is Colonial. I had a bit of leftover yarn:

It sat happily on top of my German homework for the photo shoot. I think this was the one about Paul's sermons, and his trip to Thessalonika and Philippi.

And on Thursday night I decided to make a dice bag for a friend of mine who is DMing a D&D campaign that I am a part of. (When I tell my friends about this, I say, "Guess what I'm doing now? I'll give you a hint: it's the nerdiest thing ever." Most of them actually guess D&D first, and are surprised when they are right!) He keeps his dice in a CVS bag, which is sad. So I worked like crazy to finish it before Shabbat. And I did.

I used this pattern, size medium, though with bigger yarn and needles than called for, plus I added two rows. Yet I was still afraid it wasn't going to be big enough, because he has numerous dice. So I tried it out with my own dice:

I only have 7. But they are shiny.

So after measuring it against my dice, I thought theoretically it could be big enough, but there was still the chance that it wouldn't be. However, I still brought it to gaming last night, and he loves it, and says he needs to get more dice now. Apparently it is big enough. Yay!

And it's always nice to use up scrap yarn. Part of the reason I knit this so quickly was because it was made out of dishcloth cotton, which is not very shiny on the grand scale of shiny yarns, so I wanted to be done with it. And I could have theoretically used my big skein of one color, but I like these colors better. Plus, when you tell me that you have no favorite or least favorite color and "colors are pretty" you can expect me to do something like this.

Maybe I'll start making dice bags on commission if other people who game think they need them. First, however, I must make one for myself. And I need to buy more dice. Whee!